Gasoline Specifications (U.S. and Canada Only)
At a minimum, gasoline should meet ASTM specification D 4814 in the United States or CAN/CGSB&-3.5 or 3.511 in Canada. Some gasolines contain an octane-enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT). We recommend against the use of gasolines containing MMT. See Fuel Additives on page 9‑52 for additional information.
See also:
Power Foldaway
1. Press (A) to fold the mirrors out to the driving position.
2. Press (B) to fold the mirrors in to the folded position. ...
File System and Naming
The song name that displays is the song name contained in the ID3 tag.
If the song name is not present in the ID3 tag, the radio displays the file name without the extension (such as .mp3) as the tra ...
Range Selection Mode
Range Selection Mode
The Range Selection Mode switch, if equipped, is located on the shift lever.
To enable the Range Selection feature:
1. Move the column shift lever to the M(Manual) position ...