Replacing LATCH System Parts After a Crash

A crash can damage the LATCH system in the vehicle. A damaged LATCH system may not properly secure the child restraint, resulting in serious injury or even death in a crash. To help make sure the LATCH system is working properly after a crash, see your dealer to have the system inspected and any necessary replacements made as soon as possible.

If the vehicle has the LATCH system and it was being used during a crash, new LATCH system parts may be needed.

New parts and repairs may be necessary even if the LATCH system was not being used at the time of the crash.

    See also:

    Washing the Vehicle
    To preserve the vehicle's finish, wash it often and out of direct sunlight. Notice: Do not use petroleum based, acidic, or abrasive cleaning agents as they can damage the vehicle's paint, m ...

    Instrument Panel, Vinyl, and Other Plastic Surfaces
    Use a soft microfiber cloth dampened with water to remove dust and loose dirt. For a more thorough cleaning, use a soft microfiber cloth dampened with a mild soap solution. Notice: Soaking or saturat ...

    Additional Factors Affecting System Operation
    Safety belts help keep the passenger in position on the seat during vehicle maneuvers and braking, which helps the passenger sensing system maintain the passenger airbag status. See “Safety Belt ...