Finding a Channel

BAND: Press to switch between AM, FM, or XM™, if equipped.

SEEK: Press to go to the previous XM channel. (Tune): Turn to manually select an XM channel.

SEEK: Press to go to the next XM channel. SEEK: Press to go to the previous XM channel.

REV: Press to go to the previous XM category. SEEK: Press to go to the next XM channel.

FWD: Press to go to the next XM category. REV: Press to go to the previous XM category.

FAV (Favorites): Press to select different favorites pages for stored radio stations. FWD: Press to go to the next XM category.

FAV (Favorites): Press to select different favorites pages for stored radio stations.

CAT (Category): The CAT button is used to find XM channels when the radio is in the XM mode.

    See also:

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