Towing the Vehicle From the Rear

Notice: Towing the vehicle from the rear could damage it. Also, repairs would not be covered by the vehicle warranty. Never have the vehicle towed from the rear.

Notice: Towing the vehicle from the rear could damage it. Also, repairs would not be covered by the vehicle warranty. Never have the vehicle towed from the rear.

Do not tow the vehicle from the rear.

    See also:

    Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
    This legal identifier is in the front corner of the instrument panel, on the left side of the vehicle. It can be seen through the windshield from outside. The VIN also appears on the Vehicle C ...

    Body Component Lubrication
    Lubricate all key lock cylinders, hood hinges, liftgate hinges, and steel fuel door hinge unless the components are plastic. Applying silicone grease on weatherstrips with a clean cloth will make them ...

    Cold Check Procedure
    Use this procedure only as a reference to determine if the transmission has enough fluid to be operated safely until a hot check procedure can be made. The hot check procedure is the most accurate met ...