Used Replacement Wheels


Replacing a wheel with a used one is dangerous. How it has been used or how far it has been driven may be unknown. It could fail suddenly and cause a crash. When replacing wheels, use a new GM original equipment wheel.

    See also:

    Add-On Electrical Equipment
    Notice: Do not add anything electrical to the vehicle unless you check with your dealer first. Some electrical equipment can damage the vehicle and the damage would not be covered by the vehicle's wa ...

    This display allows you to select the language in which the DIC messages will appear. To select a language: 1. Press the trip odometer reset stem until ODOMETER displays. 2. While in the ODOMETER di ...

    Start by vacuuming the surface using a soft brush attachment. If a rotating brush attachment is being used during vacuuming, only use it on the floor carpet. Before cleaning, gently remove as much o ...